Dr. Jenny Wüstenberg


I am a Senior Fellow in the Higher Education Academy and hold a Teaching Certificate from the University of Maryland’s Center for Teaching Excellence. I have over 20 years experience teaching at university level in memory studies, political science, international relations, history, German studies, qualitative methods and writing skills. I currently lead the Master of Science in Social Science Research and previously lead the Master of Research in Holocaust & Genocide Studies  and have lead or contributed to the following courses:

  • History & Memory (Module leader, MA in History)
  • Foundations in Qualitative Research (Module leader, MSc in Social Science Research)
  • Research Design Practice & Ethics (Module leader, MSc in Social Science Research)
  • Master of History Core Seminar
  • Dissertation Module for the Master of Research in
    Holocaust & Genocide Studies
  • Graduate Colloquium on Advanced German and European
  • Graduate Seminar on Memory Politics
  • Comparative Politics PhD Core Seminar
  • The Holocaust in History & Memory (final year
    undergraduate module)
  • People and Planet: Pasts, Presents and Futures
  • Protest Movements and Democracy (fourth year seminar)
  • Comparative European Politics (third year seminar)
  • Nationalism, Authority and Resistance: Perspectives on
    German Culture & Society (first year course)
  • Modern European History (first year module)
I am a big believer in mentorship. I’ve had the privilege of having fantastic mentors, as well as completing “ProFiL. Professionalisation of Women in Research and Teaching: Mentoring – Training – Networking”, run by Berlin’s major universities. Together with others, I have built a mentorship program for the Memory Studies Association, as well as one for my current colleagues in history. I think teaching writing skills and offering writing support is essential for students and academics alike. Find some of my favourite writing resources below.
I am happy to advise undergraduate, Master’s and PhD dissertations, especially on my areas of expertise in memory studies, social movements, the history of democracy and more (particularly in Europe and settler colonial states).
In summer 2017, I led a DAAD study trip on “Migration and Memory” for 12 wonderful graduate students of DAAD Centers for German and European Studies from around the world (with Dr. Lars Breuer).